Joining Fee
The joining fee is £22.35 and must be paid into the Club account prior to your child starting to swim with CMSS. This includes a Swim England membership fee which is a requirement before swimming commences.
Swimmers will not be allowed to start until their registration forms are complete and the £22.35 registration fee is paid. When their registration with Swim England is approved, they are welcome to start training with us.
Annual Fees
With effect from 1 September 2023, the fee for swimming with CMSS is £576 per year. This is paid monthly by standing order in twelve equal instalments of £48.
Please note that this is payable all year, on the first day of each month, and should not be stopped during school holidays, or other absences.
Swim England Membership Fee
This is payable on joining the Club and is included in the joining fee (mentioned above). Going forward it is then included in your standard regular monthly payment. This fee covers the necessary registration of swimmers with Swim England.
If a swimmer’s Swim England membership lapses due to non-payment of Club Fees then their Membership Fee will become payable again. This is because membership lists must be updated regularly with Swim England and non-paid-up members are automatically removed.
Club Fees are now collected by direct debit only, payable on the first of each month. This is payable all year, there are no breaks for the holidays, or other absences. Any failure to pay means your child’s place at CMSS will be suspended until the payment is made.
If there is a medical or similar reason a swimmer cannot attend for a long period please let us know and we will try to accommodate them as best we can.
If sessions are cancelled, for any reason, refunds will not be given. We are run by volunteers and are unable to administer a refunds policy. The Club is non-profit making and any money accrued if swimming has to be cancelled goes towards keeping the Club running.
Leaving the Club
Should you decide to leave CMSS then we, as a Club, require one month’s notice so that we can conduct the necessary trials and fill your place from our waiting list.
Thank you.